Financial Tips for the Season of Giving – Pass the ham!

As the year begins its close, traditions start to appear. You get out that fancy silverware, get the house looking festive and have the carols playing in the background.  We all have family traditions, reminding us of who we are with a story behind each detail.  Maybe it’s Grandma’s table centre piece or a traditional secret family recipe, everything is intentional, or at least it seems. 

This is a great time to take stock of what we have, who we are and most importantly, where and who we want to be.  Our financial lives usually have an important role when reflecting. 

Whilst you are reflecting, take some of these ideas into consideration so your finances reflect gratitude and growth each year.

Make a list and check it twice

It can be so easy to be drawn into that shiny object syndrome.  You know, everything looks great and you just need it or know someone who will……

Have a list and check it twice, then stick to it!  Set yourself a budget on what you want to spend for each person on your list and the food supplies you need.

Be cluey about Christmas credit

It’s estimated that $51 billion will be spent over the Christmas period. If you don't have the cash to pay for your Christmas goodies up-front, the credit card can be very tempting.  It’s a very convenient way to make Christmas for your loved ones merry but you may find yourself saddled with Christmas debt long after Santa’s visit.

Keep a running total

Keep a close check on your spending – maybe by compiling the running total on your mobile phone. Remember to keep checking in.

Plan the New Year

Santa may be able to get it all done in one night, but you can’t.  Now that Christmas is out of the way, you might like to sit down and plan out the year with a little support from our planning team.

Christmas may have snuck up on you this year but with good financial planning, you can whip those finances into shape, allowing you to continually enjoy celebrations all year round.

Feel free to reach out to our team,